ok motif post ni just to share ryan's web on his stay in malaysia n his journey around SE asia...ryan in malaysia
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
nama saya ryan
ok..it not my name...he is my friend...for my 2nd year our faculty bt exchange student with university of kent...so my 2 friends dh fly g sana for 1 sem...n for that we all ada kwn bru from uk...hihi...kwn dgn mat saleh plak kn...ryan n cari...so we all lg rapat to ryan compare to cari...skrg dh almost 4bln diorg kt utm ni...and ryan sgt2 excited blaja bahasa melayu...hahah...sgt comel tau...n he keeps improving day by day
ok motif post ni just to share ryan's web on his stay in malaysia n his journey around SE asia...ryan in malaysia
ok motif post ni just to share ryan's web on his stay in malaysia n his journey around SE asia...ryan in malaysia
Monday, November 28, 2011
gift from cameron
hehehe...ari ni i dpt hadiah from my bestfriend..wk end ari tu dia g cameron highland ada program...n spt biasa..kalau dia g mana2 pon..i mest dpt something kn....makcik ni sorg je xreti2 nk bls org bg hadiah kt dia...heheh...anyway thanks u awak...=)
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a box of strawberries...tunjuk 1 je la..hehhe |
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keychain angry bird motif?? hehhe...hanya i n dia je tau..;) |
Sunday, November 27, 2011
photo photo photoshoot!!!!
ok...1st of all..its not about my trip to malacca...im sorry people...im really disappointed too...my lecturer cancelled our trip...because there are no utm bus for us to go...but its ok...let me give u guys a peek into my other photoshoot..actually i n fiza have to take pictures for our photography assigment...so last week..me n her jalan2 around jb utk amek gmba..n we bring along jannah as our model of the day...hihi...im still beginner with dslr ni..so my pictures xla cntek sgt...still learning...anyone volunteer nk ajar org x?...=)
so our 1st destination is taman istana..mmg btol2 tgh jb...for those yg pnah dtg jb..enjoy the pictures yg xbrapa nk cntek ni...=)
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*mr google* bring along my encik red kite.. |
so our 1st destination is taman istana..mmg btol2 tgh jb...for those yg pnah dtg jb..enjoy the pictures yg xbrapa nk cntek ni...=)
then ari pon mcm nk ujan n three of us were like really2 starving...hehhe..no idea where to have our lunch...then we decided to go to hutan bndar...after having our lunch..then of course some photoshoot at hutan bndar..hehehe...oh ya...hutan bandar is really famous with the rm5 chicken chop...yes rm5!...tp mlm je tau ade..=)
hutan bandar xbyk sgt gmba coz its like hujan renyai2 kn..so syg camera oii!!!...hehehe..then we like pusing2 cri port menarek nk amek gmba..n suddenly hujan lebat..then xtau nk g mana kn...so buang tebiat..ktorg plan g kota iskandar...slalu dgr je org cite kn...try la jgk nk tgk ape ade kt sane...mmg mcm putrajaya...tp soorryy again..its was rainning...so xamek gmba...i only have tis picture
again nurul jannah meranggap model a.k.a driver ktorg...hehhe...kota iskandar tgh membangn...so byk constructions sana sini..eventhough ade buildings yg cntek but still dtutup...n then we went home..huhu...oh ya...we saw the lego land yg org uar2 kn tu..we saw the roller coaster track..hehhe...excited!!
im not satisfied with my pictures...so will try to take a better shot...kn i dh ckp...gmba2 smua xcntek sgt la...btw thanks for watching..jgn muntah ea tgk gmba byk2...heheh
selamat tahun baru umat islam
salam maal hijrah to all my muslims readers
semoga kita berusaha menjadi seorang muslim yg baek hari demi hari
saling mengingati dan menasihati sesama kita
ps:i bc doa awal tahun kt tebrau city ari ni...kalau encik zab tgh bc post ni...im sorry for not telling u that im going out today...so so sorry...tkt nk ckp...hehehe
Friday, November 25, 2011
busy bee!!
been so busy lately...dont get enough rest n sleep...tensionn!!...mean dont have enough time update my blog...had so many things to do...tomorrow i have a trip to malacca for my photography class...will update about it after i come back k..=)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
utm + harimau malaya + alittlebitofindons = u guys rock babeh!!
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*mr google* |
congratulationsss malaysiaaaaa!!!!
yeaahh...last nite our mpm or wat some unis called mpp...held the final match between malaysia n indonesia at dsi...its was awesome man!!...honestly i pg bkn nk sokong sgt pon...sbb i xminat sgt bola..more tu nk amek gmba n bt keja la konon...n mmg sepanjang plawanan tu pon i just with my camera n snap pictures la...smpai yg 1st gol msia tu pon nk sorak...tp xsgt...more tu sibok jd paparazi...hehheee
not until the last masa tambahan...time tu...mmg 1 dewan mmg nnmpk muka cuak nk mati kn...tmasuk la moos itu dlm diri ini..hheheh ceh....but seriously...time penalti tu....dewan amat2 la senyap sekali...i je yg dok bunyi2 kn horn tu...ehhe...the last penalti by baddrol bakhtiar tu...mmg semua org lompat nk gile..perrhhhh...even jaziz kat seblh i tym tu sempat lg tumbok i tau...yes tumbok...bkn pelan2...mmg tumbukan jantan pny la...n die mmg xprasan yg die bt bnde tu...haii..nsb baek kau kwn ak kn...boleh dmaafkan...ygt xbleh blah nik la...smpai xde suara...hahha...nik nik ape2 je la...
tp yg nk ckp kt sni...dlm dsi tu seriouss....mmg mcm kt stadium la...cayalah utm...n we are such a lucky..ari ni johor dpt cuti...hehhe..yess...cuti bday sultan johor...hehhe...so mmg naik syeikh la bdk utm mlm tu...hehe....seriously best..mmg xrugi la g tgk kn....oh ya...after game tu...ktorg lepak dgn nik jaziz n bobo...hehhe...lps rindu la dkatakan...=)
time ni dsi xpenuh lagi |
start to penuh dah |
then suddenly separate boys n girls...atas tngga la alamat ny |
tuan puteri smua ni bru smpai |
the girls section |
indonesion yg dpn2 tu |
ramai kan |
go malaysia!!! |
indonesian celebration their 1st goal |
tgk...smpai kt tngga tu |
nik yg xprasan lgsg org yg snap gmba die tu cik anis..haisshhh |
seniorita2 |
celebrating the 1st goal |
ini pon senior jgk |
comel kn diorg..heheh |
"ak terima nikah ny la konon" |
playing the horn with tiis kid...heheh i maen smpai org smua mrh bising...kata kt stadium kn..;) |
making some noise with fami..heheh |
mpm cari duit lbey..=) |
n tjmpa bad n shamir...yg bju merah tu n kw n seblh dia yg bru biru tu..hehe |
lastly lepak with nik bobo jaziz intan me yusra fiza jannah aza n syifa |
Monday, November 21, 2011
i think im ugly
found tis song
and tis is what i feel wit myself
masih mencuba to build confident in myself
[CL] I’m trying to smile brightly but
I don’t like it
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2
[BOM] I’m trying to sing but
No one is listening
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2
[DARA] Why am I this ugly
What must I do for me to be able to smile brightly like you?
[MINJI] I’m getting angry again, why can’t I ever be perfect
I simply put the blame on my ugly appearance in this broken mirror
[BOM] Don’t look at me, I hate this feeling right now
I want to hide away somewhere, I want to escape
This world is full of lies
[CL] I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
[MINJI] Don’t tell me that you can understand me so easily
My ugly and crooked heart may even come to resent you
[BOM] Don’t force me to talk, I’m not right for you
The cold facade inside that patronizing gaze suffocates me
[MINJI] Don’t come closer, I don’t even want your concern
I want to leave away to somewhere, I want to shout out
This world is full of lies
[CL] I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
[DARA] All alone
I’m all alone x 2
There is no such thing as warmth
There is no one by my side
All alone
I’m all alone x 2
I’m always alone
There’s no such thing as warmth
Next to my side, there’s not even anyone to embrace me
[CL] I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be prety
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
Sunday, November 20, 2011
futsal time
ceh...gaya mcm mane je kn..mmg xla ak maen futsal...sbb slalu laki je yg penuh kt court futsal tu..paling2 i maen basketball je...hehe..percaya x??..dh senyap..mest x kn
oh...anyway...semlmm fami n syuk ajak tgk diorg maen futsal..ada tournament...since smua org xde kn...x i pon xdk keja nk bt..i pon trun la...but i miss the game that they won..hehehe...the 1st game..then the last 2 games they lost..huhu..but its ok..the do their best kn....layan la gmba2 ni..=)
the team yg duduk dr kiri tu afiq,zubair dzul n syuk blkg tu kwn fami lupe name diorg la |
waiting for the game..lepak kafe |
amek dr lua je...mls nk msuk |
konon2 nk survey pihak lwn lani..hihi |
khusyuk maen game =) |
thank u sbb scroll smpai bwh..=) |
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