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*mr google* bring along my encik red kite.. |
so our 1st destination is taman istana..mmg btol2 tgh jb...for those yg pnah dtg jb..enjoy the pictures yg xbrapa nk cntek ni...=)
then ari pon mcm nk ujan n three of us were like really2 starving...hehhe..no idea where to have our lunch...then we decided to go to hutan bndar...after having our lunch..then of course some photoshoot at hutan bndar..hehehe...oh ya...hutan bandar is really famous with the rm5 chicken chop...yes rm5!...tp mlm je tau ade..=)
hutan bandar xbyk sgt gmba coz its like hujan renyai2 kn..so syg camera oii!!!...hehehe..then we like pusing2 cri port menarek nk amek gmba..n suddenly hujan lebat..then xtau nk g mana kn...so buang tebiat..ktorg plan g kota iskandar...slalu dgr je org cite kn...try la jgk nk tgk ape ade kt sane...mmg mcm putrajaya...tp soorryy again..its was rainning...so xamek gmba...i only have tis picture
again nurul jannah meranggap model a.k.a driver ktorg...hehhe...kota iskandar tgh membangn...so byk constructions sana sini..eventhough ade buildings yg cntek but still dtutup...n then we went home..huhu...oh ya...we saw the lego land yg org uar2 kn tu..we saw the roller coaster track..hehhe...excited!!
im not satisfied with my pictures...so will try to take a better shot...kn i dh ckp...gmba2 smua xcntek sgt la...btw thanks for watching..jgn muntah ea tgk gmba byk2...heheh
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